March has been a great month. Several updates have been shipped in the past month, and we’ve been buzzing to see your response. It’s for you, our community we build for!
So, what’s new?
We’ve improved the sound quality of recording with AirPods. Logcast compatibility with Siri, and our latest improvement to the quality of your recording with AirPods, have made Logging on the go easier and better than ever before.
You can now share links to videos, articles or anything else with your friends in the DL chat. This update means you can carry out your conversations fully by voice and text. No more bouncing between apps to chat with other Loggers, no matter the topic.
For all Loggers sharing to Spotify, we’ve made purchasing your paid content easier for your listeners. They no longer need to download the Logcast app to unlock and listen to your content. In your description of your Locked Log on Spotify, there is now a link for a seamless purchase experience. Your fans can click the link to purchase the Log directly on Logcast for web.
You asked for more interactive features, so we introduced Direct comments. Send your favourite creators a personal message delivered in real-time while listening to their Log. Click the DL icon on the upper right by the Log you wish to comment on, write a comment, and it’ll be forwarded to the Log’s owner.
Lastly, some eye candy with an updated menu bar to a clean, transparent design. Well done, design team!
We’ve got some BIG plans for Logcast in April, with a game changer for how you can share your Locked logs with your fans coming in the next few days already. Can’t wait to show you what’s coming.
Got great ideas? Feel free to shoot us an email at